The Breton Plots are known worldwide in the Soil Science community and recognized as one of only a few long-term soil study projects in the world. Many farmers and rural communities have benefited enormously from the work done over the past 90 years. The economic impact through improved crop production, especially on western Canada, has been significant.
For the past 90 years, the University of Alberta has provided much of the core funding required to operate The Breton Plots. Research grants from agencies such as the Alberta Agriculture Research Institute, Farming for the Future, Canada/Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Agreement, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council have provided additional support. More recently, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development has contributed substantially to the operation of The Breton Plots.
Economic conditions have created this patchwork funding. Stable financial support is essential to maintain the operation of The Breton Plots and the transfer of our research knowledge to the agricultural, energy, and manufacturing industries. But we need your help!
How Can You Help?
The Breton Plots Endowment Fund supports the continuation of the long term soil/agronomy plots by providing summer assistants, supplies and machinery maintenance, all of which are necessary in order for research to happen. Our goal is to raise $5 million by March 31, 2025. Your support will make the plots a vibrant research station where cutting-edge research is conducted.
Application of the knowledge gained from our research will continue to impact the biological, environmental, and economic wellbeing of our communities. We believe that you have a special interest in maintaining the work at The Breton Plots and invite you to join in this opportunity to ensure the continued benefits, both locally and globally. Please help make this happen!
For more information or to make a contribution, please contact the Development Office at / 780-492-8126.
Cynthia Strawson
Assistant Dean, Development (Interim)
780-915-0968 (c)
Raishel Madsen
Associate Director, Development